justly - traducción al Inglés
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justly - traducción al Inglés

= justamente
Ex: The area of new technology in copyright has been justly called "a swamp".
* unjustly = injustamente
con justicia      
con sentido      


You use justly to show that you approve of someone's attitude towards something, because it seems to be based on truth or reality.
Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife.
= justifiably
ADV: usu ADV adj, also ADV with v [approval]
see also just
Ejemplos de pronunciación para justly
1. be justly protected.
Art and Science of Sound Recording _ Alan Parsons & Julian Colbeck _ Talks at Google
2. So if we want to justly transition
The Indigenous Responds to Environmental Assaults _ Chase Iron Eyes _ Talks at Google
3. How do we navigate the path safely and justly?
Dr. Christopher Mason _ The Next 500 Years _ Talks at Google
4. If you always behave justly in an unjust world,
Machiavelli - A Very Short Introduction _ Quentin Skinner _ Talks at Google
5. and do so sustainably and equitably and justly,
Ejemplos de uso de justly
1. The recipients have nonetheless justly earned their citations.
2. By Akiva Eldar The Palestinians consider November to be unlucky, and justly so.
3. "State of War" (Free Press, $26) by James Risen has justly attracted a lot of attention.
4. Nevertheless, one problem remains: The critics, as Carter justly claims, are almost all Jews.
5. It is an accolade the country can be justly proud of.